The Abrahamix

The Abrahamix


A new comic book

Arakan is due to release a new comic book entitled 'The Abrahamix' (AbX), which is part of our 3-year creative arts project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

It is to be the UK's first comic book featuring religious superheroes fighting prejudice and wider injustice. Set in the year 2029, Mikhail (Muslim), Gabriel (Christian) and Rafaela (Jewish) are an ageing group of friends and peace activists who are accidentally endowed with superpowers. They age-reverse when turning into their alter-egos and shall lead the fight against Islamophobia, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic attitudes. These role models draw on a common historical narrative and shall serve as a metaphor to promote mutual respect and cohesion to our target audience, which will be primary school children aged 8 and above (but anybody can of course enjoy them!)

Subject to their success, we hope to expand and create an on-going comic book series.



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